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The Discovery

A homebrew shop is inside a local brewery in the heart of NC. Raleigh, NC. Atlantic Brew Supply is one of the largest suppliers of homebrew equipment and ingredients on the east coast. Hands down the largest facility by square footage on the east coast.

This company was in a where they had an established customer base of loyal fans of the hobby of homebrewing, mead making, winemaking, etc. Still, the brand's identity only existed with the Carboy logo.

The Analysis

It pains me to be a marketer like myself when brands with so much potential don't execute to take advantage of the existing opportunities. In my research on the tik tokification of social media, I’ve learned that consumers are much more focused on interest factors than price or selection. Now more than ever, having an evident brand personality is essential to attract new business. Otherwise, the consumer will go to the company they connect with.

We needed to establish Atlantic Brew Supply’s brand. The personality, the identity, everything. We needed to do something to engage our customers besides our products and shop.

The Building

Various discussions went into deciding how to begin building some brand identity. This process was not always easy but essential. New staff members came with new opportunities, and something told me we needed to showcase whoever I could to put a face and personality with our brand. Luckily some great hiring and my ability to identify opportunities in my environment led to creation a few short-formed and long-formed content series to engage our homebrew customers. These weren't tutorials; these weren't product reviews, all valuable pieces of content, but these pieces of content make it difficult to show brand personality. We had to jump in the head of a company trying to uncover that. First, we needed to entertain.

We created a FAQ Instagram reel series that was comedy based but still answered some frequently asked questions the shop would get.

We created a series where we concoct weird homebrew recipes using strange ingredients not usually found and beer or other beverages.